Špeciálne jednotky Slovenskej republiky

meth JSZ financna sprava drogy pervitin

Customs Criminal Office’s Intervention Unit found sealed syringes with white and yellow crystals during action in Nové Zamky. They found almost 9 thousands miligrams of meth which is almost 120 individual doses with value 6 thousands euro on black market.

source:krimi.noviny.sk a pravda.sk
article (Slovak language only) : v-novych-zamkoch-zaistili-120-davok-pervitinu-za-sesttisic-eur
article with video (Slovak language only) : krimi.noviny.sk
article with video (Slovak language only) : VIDEO-zo-zatahu-na-rodinny-gang-dilerov–Pervitinom-zasobovali-cely-Nitriansky-kraj-

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